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Since many years we have been working on technologies connected with sustainable energy and waste treatment. Besides experience in engineering of plants we are internationally well recognized for our know how in the field of materials.  High temperatures together with static  (tensile, creep) or dynamic loading (fatigue) can lead to irreversible materials damage and finally to fracture.In many cases not only bulk damage is important but also crack growth 



Based on our broad experience with technologies and our collabortation with universities we treat projects in a transdisciplinary context. We use modelling tools like systemdynamic modelling or agent based modeling. We implement or technological knowlede into design codes like the ASME code. In this context we participate regularly in ASME group meetings where we present data which can be used in the code for existing or new materials.

Knowledge Transfer

Our experience with research and development and education goes back over man,y years. We have been working with Technical Universities like theSwiss Federal Institute of Thechnology Zürich (ETHZ) and the University of Basel.  We could use our knowledge from different technologies to provide lectures and for guiding aster theses as well as doctoral theses. Joint projects with students with different knowledge backgrounds were particularly interesting . - Documents - All Documen



List of References


W. Hoffelner, Irradiation Damage in Nuclear Power Plants, invited chapter in George Z. Voyiadjis Ed. Handbook of Damage Mechanics, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8968-9_36-1, Springer 2014


W.Hoffelner, Structural materials containing nanofeatures for advanced energy plants, invited chapter in A. Shirzadi and S. Jackson Eds. Structural Alloys for Power Plants Operational Challenges and High-temperature Materials, Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy: Number 45, (2014)


W. Hoffelner, Materials for Nuclear Plants-From Save Design to Residual Life Assessments, Textbook, ISBN 978-1-4471-2915-8, Springer 2013


W. Hoffelner, Development and application of nano-structured materials in nuclearpower plants, invited contribution in „Understanding and mitigating ageing in nuclear power plants”, Ph. G. Tipping Ed., Woodhead 2010 


 W. Hoffelner, Damage assessment in structural metallic materials for advancednuclear plants, Journal of Materials Science, 2010


W. Hoffelner, Materials databases and knowledge management for advanced nuclear technologies, Proceedings of the 2009 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping

 Conference PVP 2009, July 26-30, 2009, Prague, CZ, PVP2009-7769


 W. Hoffelner,Creep-fatigue life determination of grade 91 steel using a strainrange separation method, Proceedings of the 2009 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference PVP 2009, July 26-30, 2009, Prague, CZ, PVP2009-7770


B. Bakó, W. Hoffelner, Cellular dislocation patterning during plastic deformation, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 214108 _2007_1098-0121/2007/76_21_/214108_6_ 2007 The American Physical Society 214108-1


 M. Samaras, W. Hoffelner, M. Victoria, Modelling of advanced structural materials for GEN IV reactors, Journal of Nuclear Materials 371 (2007) 28–36


 W. Hoffelner,  Materials for the very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) a versatile nuclear power station for combined cycle electricity and heat production, Chimia, December 2005


 W. Hoffelner, Future Nuclear Power – Generation IV, VHTR Reactors and Capabilities, ENKO-2005 September 18-29, 2005 Bratislava, Conf Proc.


 W. Hoffelner, J. Chen, M.A. Pouchon, C. Degueldre, The Applicability of Synchrotron X-ray Analyses for VHTR materials, Euromat, Prague, Sept. 5-8, 2005


 M. A. Pouchon, J. Chen, M. Döbeli, W. Hoffelner,  Oxide dispersion strengthened steel irradiation by helium, E-MRS Strassbourg, May 30-June 2nd, J. Nuc. Mat., accepted for publ.


 J. Chen, P. Jung, M. Nazmy, W. Hoffelner  In-situ Creep under He-implantation of g-TiAl Alloy, E-MRS Strassbourg, May 30-June 2nd, J. Nuc. Mat., accepted for publ.


M. Samaras, W. Hoffelner, M. Victoria,  Irradiation of pre-existing voids in nanocrystalline Fe, E-MRS Strassbourg, May 30-June 2nd, J. Nuc. Mat., accepted for publ.


 W. Hoffelner, G. Hayner, Ph. Billot, Joint International R&D Roadmap for Generation IV-VHTR Materials Research, ICAPP 05, May 15-18, 2005 Seoul, Conf. Proc.


 W. Hoffelner, M. A. Pouchon, J. Chen,  Effects of Irradiation on Materials for Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors, TMS Letters, 2 (3), 2005


 W. Hoffelner, M. Samaras, J. Chen, M. A. Pouchon,  Multiscale Approach for Creep Damage of Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) Materials, ETD Int. Conf. On Creep of Materials and Structures, London Sept. 12-14, 2005, Conf. Proc.


 L.Tomik, S. Chakraborty,  W.Hoffelner, A. Stoian: Feasibility Study for NPP Mochovce Units 3 and 4 Completion,  Presented at the: International conference on Secure Energy Supply and Sustainable Development,  Bratislava, Hotel Forum, May 5-6, 2004,


 M. Pouchon M., W. Hoffelner, C. Degueldre, J. Chen, “ODS as Structural Material for High Temperature Nuclear Reactors“, XVIth International Conference on Physics of Radiation Phenomena and Radiation Material Science, 6-11 September 2004, Crimea, Ukraine


 W. Hoffelner,  J. Heeb, P. Burger, R. Hoffelner: A Model based system approach for blended learning of contents of sustainable development, 6th International Conference on New Educational Environments (ICNEE) , 27 - 30 September 2004, University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), Conf. Proc.


 W. Hoffelner: High Temperature Materials – Challenge for Future Gas Cooled Reactors, ICAPP2004, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '04), June 13th-17th, Pittsburgh 2004,


 C. Degueldre , S. Conradson, W. Hoffelner:”Characterisation of oxide dispersion-strengthened steel by extended x-ray absorption spectroscopy for its use under irradiation”, Publication project in the proceedings of Symp. H @ E-MRS04 in Comp. Mater. Sci., 2005


 E.N. Campitelli, P. Spätig, R. Bonadé, W. Hoffelner and M. Victoria:Assessment of the constitutive properties from small ball punch test: experiment and modeling , Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2005


 W. Hoffelner, R. Hoffelner: Applicability of Groupware for Communication in Different Project Environments – A Case Study, ICNEE Luzern, May 26-28, 2003 Conference Contribution


 J. Bertsch, W. Hoffelner: A J-Integal Approach for Zircaloy Claddings, EPRI Palo Alto 2003


 G. Ledergerber, M. Limbaeck, W. Hoffelner: Westinghouse – KKL- PSI Fuel Performance Program, Performance of SEVA 96+ at High Burnup, Fuel Performance Programme, 5.-6- March, 2003, Vesteras, Conference Contribution.


 B. Schaffner, A. Meier, D. Wuillemin, W. Hoffelner, A. Steinfeld: Recycling and Hazardous Solid Waste Material Using High- Temperature Solar Process Heat II. Reactor Design and Experimentation, Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, pp. 165-170, 2003


 R. Foerster, J. Heeb, W. Hoffelner: Modell-Moderation und systemdynamische Modellierung: eine Methode im Kontext transdisziplinaerer Hochschulausbildung, GAIA 11 (2002) No. 3, pp. 235-238


 W. Hoffelner: Solarthermische Methoden in der Kreislaufwirtschaft- Machbarkeitsanalyse auf Basis einer Dissertation an der ETH Zürich, erstellt für das BFE, RWH Oberrohrdorf, 2002


 P. Burger, M. Gaede, W. Hoffelner: Interpersonal Cooperation as Challenge for e-Learning: Some Working Ideas, ICNEE 3 Lugano, May 8th-11th, 2002, Conf. Proc., Poster 6, net4net Berne 2002


 T. Stock, H. Weigel, W. Hoffelner: „Waste to Energy – the Concept of Integrated Waste Pyrolysis“ Waste Management World, November-December 2001, pp. 66-70, 2001


 W. Hoffelner, Recycling of Fibre Reinforced Aluminium Alloys, Brite Euram Project Fibrecast II, Final Report, RWH Oberrohrdorf, 2000


 W. Hoffelner, H. Weigel: Recovery of Metals from Stainless Steel Dusts with Thermal Plasma, Rewas 99, Global Symp. Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology, TMS 1999 [pp. 1559-1563]


 B. Schaffner, W. Hoffelner, H. Sun, A. Steinfeld: Recycling and Hazardous Solid Waste Material Using High- Temperature Solar Process Heat I. Thermodynamic Analysis, Environ. Sci. Technol., 34, pp. 4177-4184, 2000


 W. Hoffelner, L. Jenni, D. Neuenschwander: Chances and Limitations of Solar Energy – a Transdiscipliery  Approach, Transdisciplinarity: Joint Problem Solving among Science, technology and Society, Workbook I, ETH Zürich, 2000 pp. 98-100


 Th. Stock, H. Weigel, W. Hoffelner, V. Haefeli: The Destruction of Chemical Warfare Agents with the Plasma Technology, The ASA Newsletter 99-6Appl. Sci. and Analysis Inc., Dec 1999


 W. Hoffelner, Th. Stock: Treatment of Chemical Weapons and Chemical Warfare Materials, The ISWA Yearbook 1999/2000, James & James London, 1999 pp. 116-118


 W. Hoffelner, H. Weigel: Melting of Contaminated Material With Thermal Plasma, Proc. ENS Topseal ’99, Antwerp, Belgium, 10-14 October 1999, Conf. Proc. Vol I , The Belgian Nuclear Society, 1999 pp. 208-210


 W. Hoffelner: Thermal Plasma as an Integrated Part of Waste Treatment Platforms, Int. Directory of Solid Waste Management, James & James, London 1999 pp122-123


 H. Weigel, Th. Stock, A. Stumpfe, W. Hoffelner, R. Burkhard, A. Zeman: Disposal of Chemical Warfare Agent Residues and Munitions – A New Approach, International CW Destruction Symposium Munster (Germany) 22-25 March 1998, Conf Proc., Eds.: V. Starrock, A. Krippendorf, Munster 1998


 W. Hoffelner: Treatment of MSW fly ash and automobile shredder fluff, in International Directory of Solid Waste Management 1997/1998 The ISWA Yearbook, James & James  London 1997


 W. Hoffelner, V. Haefeli, M. R. Fünfschilling: Thermische Behandlung von radioaktiven Abfällen mit dem PLASMARC-Verfahren, in Bewirtschaftung radioaktiver Betriebsabfälle aus Kernkraftwerken, Schweizerische Vereinigung für Atomenergie (SVA), Bern 1996, pp. 5.3-1- 5.3.5


 W. Hoffelner et al.: New Incineration and Melting Facility for Treatment of Low Level Radioactive Wastes in Switzerland, in Thermal Plasmas for Hazardous Waste Treatment, R.Benocci et al Eds., World Scientific, 1996, pp.126-145.


 W. Hoffelner: Recent Applications of Plasma Technology to Treat Waste, in Waste Management and Recycling International 1995, D. C. Wilson Ed., Sterling Publ Group, London, 1995, pp.35-37.


 W. Hoffelner, T. Müller, A. Jacobi, R. C. Eschenbach, H.R.Lutz:Treatment of Low Level Radioactive Waste in Switzerland, 1994 Incineration Conference  in Houston, Texas, May 9-13, 1994. Conf Proc.


 W.Hoffelner, R.Burkhard, R.C.Eschenbach: Treatment of Processing Waste with Thermal Plasma, "Extraction and Processing for the Treatment and Minimization of Wastes, 1994", Eds.: J.P.Hager et al.,TMS Warrendale 1994, pp.921-927.


 W. Hoffelner, R.Burkhard, H.Sun: Recent Results in Recovery of Metals with a Rotating Hearth Plasma Furnace, in "The Recycling of Metals", ASM Int.,Brussels 1994, pp.237-243.


 W. Hoffelner: A Mobile Plasma Plant: Solving Waste Minimization and Recycling Problems in International Directory of Solid Waste Management 1994/1995 The ISWA Yearbook, J. Moeller Ed., James & James London 1994, pp. 169-171.


 W. Hoffelner: Recycling and Waste Treatment with Thermal Plasma, in Waste Management and Recycling International 1994, Sterling Publ. Group, London, 1994, pp. 147-149.


 W.Hoffelner: Recycling and Waste Treatment with Thermal Plasma, ReC'93, International Recycling Congress, 19-22 January 1993 Genf, Conf. Proc. Vol 3, Hexagon Ltd., Copenhagen, 1993, pp.225-229.


 W. Hoffelner, R. C. Eschenbach: Plasma Treatment for Radioactive Wastes, EPRI 2nd Int. Plasma Symp.: World Progress in Plasma Applications, Feb. 9-11, 1993, Palo Alto, California.


 W. Hoffelner, A. Chrubasik, R. C. Eschenbach: Volume Reduction and Vitrification of Nuclear Waste, "Environmental Remediation and Environmental Management Issues", R. Baschwitz et al. Eds., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993, pp.305-308.


 W. Hoffelner: Rückgewinnung von Wertstoffen aus aluminium-, blei- und kupferhaltigen Abfällen, ETG-Informationstagung über Entsorgung in der Energietechnik, Zürich 25. August 1993, Tagungsband ETG Zürich, 1993.


 R.C. Eschenbach, W. Hoffelner: Advances in Plasma Melting Technology, in "Synthesis, Processing, and Modelling of Advanced Materials", Eds.:F.H.Froes, T.Khan, TransTech Publ. Ltd Switzerland 1992, pp. 205-217.


 W..Hoffelner, R.Burkhard, R.C.Eschenbach: Recycling of Metals with Thermal Plasma, ASM-Conference: The Recycling of Metals, 13-15 May 1992, Düsseldorf, Conf. Proc. pp.219-226.


 W. Hoffelner: Einsatz von thermischem Plasma für das Recycling von metallhaltigen Abfällen, VDI Berichte 917, 1992, pp.587-594.


W. Hoffelner, R.C.Eschenbach:Plasma Melting of High Performance Materials, 11th Int. Conf. on Vacuum Metallurgy, Antibes May 1992, Extended Abstract in Conf. Proc. SFV-Paris 1992, pp.122-125.


 W.Hoffelner, A.Chrubasik, R.C.Eschenbach, M.R.Fünfschilling, B.Pellaud: Plasma Technology for Rapid Oxidation, Melting and Vitrification of Low/Medium Level Radioactive Waste, Nuclear Eng. Int. Oct. 1992.


W.Hoffelner, W.Ebeling: Hochbelastete Bauteile in Gasturbinen-Auslegung und Betriebser-fahrung, VDI-Berichte 852, VDI 1991 pp.619-633.


 W. Hoffelner, W. Ebeling, K. Schneider: Materials for Modern Land Based Gas Turbines, CIMAC-1991 Florenz April 1991, Conf. Proc.


 W.Hoffelner, Expertensysteme fuer werkstofftechnische Anwendungen, SVMT-Konferenz Ittingen, April 1990, Swiss Materials 2(1990),pp.16-24.


 W.Hoffelner, M.Vitins, Expertsystems for the practical solution of material related questions, High Temperature Materials 1990, Liege, October 1990, in High Temperature Materials for Power Engineering, E.Bachelet et al Eds., Kluwer Press, 1990 pp. 1599-1629.


 W.Hoffelner, Life Time Analysis of Highly Loaded Hot Section Components in Industrial Gas Turbines, ASM-EPRI Conference on Life Prediction, Phoenix, April 1990, EPRI GS-7031, ASM International 1990, pp.35-41


 C.Michaelsen,W.Hoffelner,J.Krautzig,The role of state of stress for the determination of life-time of turbine components,Third Int.Conf.on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue,Stuttgart 1989, Conf.Proc. p.20.1


 W.Hoffelner: Material Related Uncertainties in Design and Life-Time Prediction of Turbine Components,Second Parsons Int.Turb. Conf.,Cambridge 1988 ,Conf.Proc.


 B.Basler,R.Buergel,W.Hoffelner,On the behaviour of overlay coatings for stationary gas turbines,First Int.Conf. on Plasma Surface Eng.,Garmisch Partenkirchen 1988,Conf.Proc.


 M.Nazmy,W.Hoffelner,C.Wüthrich,Elevated Temperature Creep-Fatigue Crack Propagation in Nickel-Base Alloys and a 1CrMoV Steel,Met.Trans 19A (1988),p.85


 W. Hoffelner: Materials for Future Gas Turbines XVIIth Int. Congress on Combustion Engines CIMAC, 1987, 8th-11th June 1987, Warschau, Conf. Proc.,


 W. Hoffelner: Effects of Environment on Crack Growth Behaviour under Various Loading Conditions. Mat. Sci, Technol.,3 (1987),p.855


 A. Czeratzki, R. Blum, W. Hoffelner, F. Rotvel: Beurteilung der Restlebensdauer alter Analgen, Werkstoffe und Schweisstechnik im Kraftwerk 1987, 5.-6.Febr. 1987, Essen, Conf. Proc. VGB,1987


 W.Hoffelner,On the correlation between life-time and crack growth laws under HTLCF loading,"Low Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Materials" Ed.K.-T.Rie,Elsevier, 1987, p.622.


 W.Hoffelner,Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe in stationaeren Gasturbinen, "Metallische und Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe und ihre Verarbeitungsverfahren im Vergleich",VDI-Berichte 600.4 VDI-Verlag,1987,p.345.


 W. Hoffelner: The Applicability of Life-time Prediction Methods of the Design of Components,"Fatigue of Eng. Mat. Struct.", Proc.Inst. Mech.Eng.,1986, vol.1,p.219.


 J. Bressers, L. Remy, W. Hoffelner: Fatigue Dominated Damage Processes,"High Temperature Alloys for Gas Turbines and other Applications 1986". Eds.:W.Betz et al.,D.Reidel Publ.Comp. Dordrecht 1986, p.441


 L. Remy, F. Rezai-Aria, R. Danzer, W. Hoffelner: Evaluation of Life Prediction Methods in High Temperature Fatigue, Liege 1986 (voriges Zitat,Bd.2).


 W. Hoffelner: Creep Dominated Processes,s.vorher p.413


 H. Rydstad, W. Hoffelner: P/M Molybdenum Isothermal Forging Dies -Property Requirements and Service Life, Plansee-Seminar, Reutte/Tirol Austria June 1985 Conf. Proc., 1985


 W. Hoffelner, M. Staubli: Development and Application of 9-12% Cr-Steelsfor Use at High Temperatures fo 550øC to 620øC, COST 501 Progress Report CH-1, BBC Metallurgical Laboratory, Feb. 1985.


 W. Hoffelner: Risseinleitung und Risswachstum in Kerben unter hohen Wechselbean-spruchungen bei hohen Temperaturen, DVM-Tagung Bruchvorgänge Basel 1985, Conf. Proc.


 W. Hoffelner, R. Singer: High-Cycle Fatigue Properties of the ODS-Alloy MA 6000 at 850 C, Met. Trans., 16A (1985) pp. 393-399


 W. Hoffelner: On the effect of notches on the high temperature low-cycle-fatigue behaviour of high temperatures alloys. Spring Meeting of the French Metals Society, Paris 22/23, Mai 1984, Conf. Proc. (1984)


 W. Hoffelner, R.B. Scarlin: On the correlation of microstructure, fatigue life and fatigue crack propagation in nickel-base superalloys, Fatigue 84, 2nd Int. conf. on Fatigue and Fatigue Thresholds, Birmingham 3-7 Sept. 1984, Conf. Proc.


 W. Hoffelner: Fatigue crack growth in high temperature alloys, 5th Int. Symp. on Superalloys, Seven Springs Champion, Penns. USA, Oct. 7-11,1984, Conf. Proc.


 W. Hoffelner: Metallurgical factors affecting the reliability of turbine materials in Materials Reliability, A. Smith Ed., Butterworth, 1984


 G.H. Gessinger: Powder metallurgy superalloys, Butterworth, 1984 following charpters:

   G.H. Gessinger, W. Hoffelner: Low cycle fatigue of P/M superalloys

   W. Hoffelner, G.H. Gessinger: Crack growth in P/M superalloys

   W. Hoffelner: Non-destructive testing and quality control of P/M superalloys


 B. Buchmayr, W. Hoffelner: Bruchmorphologie der Nickelbasislegierung IN 738 LC bei 850 C. Sonderband Praktische Metallographie, 6. Int. Metallographie-Tagung 1982 / Leoben Dr. Riederer Verlag, 1983


 A. Atrens, W. Hoffelner, T.W. Duerig, J.E. Allison: Subsurface crack initiation in high cycle fatigue in Ti6A14V and in a typical martensitic stainless steel .Scripta met. 17 (1983) pp. 601-606


 C. Wüthrich, W. Hoffelner: Fatigue crack growth at high strain amplitudes. ICM 4, Stockholm 1983, pp. 911-917


 W. Hoffelner, K.N. Melton, C. Wüthrich: On life-time predictions with the strain range partitioning method. Fat. Eng. Mat. Struct. 6, 1983, pp. 77-87


 W. Hoffelner, M. Nazmy, C. Wüthrich: Life Time Prediction of Gas TurbineComponents (Turbine Blades) COST-50 3rd Round, CH-2, Final Report, BBC KLRE 83-208 C, BBC Forschungszentrum 1983


 K.N. Melton, W. Hoffelner, J.E. Bertilsson: Creep-fatigue life-time predictions of notched specimens and components ASME Int. Conf. on Advances in Life Prediction Methods, Albany, New York, 1983, Conf. Proc. ASME 1983


H. Schmidt, W. Hoffelner: High-Cycle fatigue and creep of the cast nickel-base superalloy IN 738 LC at 850 C, European Conf. on Fracture (ECF 4) Leoben 1982, Conf. Proc., K. Maurer et al. Eds., 1982, pp. 701-708


 R.B. Scarlin, K.N. Melton, W. Hoffelner: Fatigue and fracture mechanics of a wrought Ni-base alloy, s. vorher pp. 689-700


 S.R. Holdsworth, W. Hoffelner: Fracture mechanics and crack growth in fatigue. "High temperature alloys for gas turbines 1982", Eds. R. Brunetaud et al. D. Reidel Publ. Comp., Dortrecht 1982, pp. 345-368


 K.N. Melton, R.B. Scarlin, W. Hoffelner: Crack initiation and propagation in a forged nickel-base alloy under high mechanical and thermal loading s. vorher pp. 659-671


 B. Buchmayr, W. Hoffelner: Some interactions of creep and fatigue in IN 738 LC at 850 C, s. vorher pp. 561-573


 W. Hoffelner: High-cycle fatigue life of the cast nickel-base superalloys IN 738 LC and IN 939, Met. Trans, 11A 1982, pp. 1245-1255


 W. Hoffelner, P. Gudmundson: A fracture mechanics analysis of ultrasonic fatigue. Eng. Fract. Mech. 15 (1982) pp. 365-371


 W. Hoffelner: The influence of frequency of fatigue crack propagation of heat resisting alloys using ultrasonic fatigue. "Fatigue and Corrosion Fatigue up to Ultrasonic Frequencies". Conf. Proc., Seven Springs Nov. 1982


 W. Hoffelner: Fatigue of high temperature materials at ultrasonic frequencies "High Temperature Alloys for Gas Turbines 1982" Eds. R. Brunetaud et al. D. Reidel Publ. Comp., Dortrecht 1982, pp. 645-657


 W. Hoffelner, C. Wüthrich, G. Schröder, G.H. Gessinger: TZM molybdenum as a die material of isothermal forging of titanium alloys. High Temperatures - High Pressures 14, 1982, pp. 33-40


 W. Hoffelner, M.O. Speidel: Microstructural aspects of fatigue crack propagation of cast nickel-base superalloys at 850 C in various environments. "Interaction between corrosion and mechanical stress at high temperatures", Petten 1980 Conf. Proc., 1982


 W. Hoffelner, E. Tschegg: Gefügeuntersuchungen an Proben aus IN 939 nach Wechsel-verformung bei hohen Temperaturen. Z. Wechstofftech. 12 (1981) pp. 185-189


 W. Hoffelner, M.O. Speidel: Fatigue of cast nickel-base superalloys at 850 C. "Advances in Fracture Research ICF 5" Conf. Proc. Ed. D. Francois Vol. 5, Pergamon Press 1981, pp. 2431-2438


 W. Hoffelner, C. Wüthrich: Fatigue crack growth rates in center-cracked specimen at high strain amplitudes Int. J. Fract. 17, 1981, R 87 - R 90¨


 W. Hoffelner, C. Wüthrich: Evaluation of low cycle fatigue experiments using strain range partitioning, BBC KLRE 81-32 C, 1981


 W. Hoffelner, M.O. Speidel: Resistance to crack growth under the conditions of fatigue creep and corrosion, COST 2nd round CH-1 Final Report, BBC KLR 81-48 C, 1981


 W. Hoffelner, C. Wüthrich, G. Schröder, G.H. Gessinger: Eignung von TZM-Molybdän als Werkzeugwerkstoff zum Isothermschmieden von Titanlegierungen. 10. Plansee-Seminar 1981, Conf. Proc. H.M. Ortner Ed., Vol 1 1981, pp. 15-29


 C. Wüthrich, W. Hoffelner: Ermüdungsrisswachstum bei hohen Verformungsamplituden, 13. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgänge, DVM, Berlin 1981, pp. 214-221


 W. Hoffelner: Probleme der Ultraschallwechselverformung am Beispiel Kupfer. Metall 34 (1980) pp. 318-320


 W. Hoffelner: Defektanordnung in dünnen Folien aus Aluminium nach hochfrequenter Wechselverformung. Prakt. Met. 17 (1980) pp. 397-400


 W. Hoffelner: Fatigue crack growth at 20 kHz - a new technique. J. Phys.E: Sci. Instrum. 13 (1980) pp. 617-619


 W. Hoffelner, M.O. Speidel: The influence of the environment on the fatigue crack growth of the nickel-base superalloys IN 738 LC and IN 939 at 850 C. "Behaviour of high temperature alloys in aggressive environments" Conf. Proc. I. Kirman et al., The Metals Society, London 1980, pp. 993-1004


 E. Tschegg, W. Hoffelner: Der Einfluss einer Wechselverformung bei 700C und 850C auf das Gefüge der Ni-Basis-Superlegierung IN 939, BBC KLR 152 C, 1980


 W. Hoffelner: Überblick über Grundlagen und Methoden der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung mit Ultraschall, BBC KLR 80-18 C, 1980


 W. Mitter, W. Hoffelner: Untersuchungen zur Rekristallisation nach der Warmverformung von Nickelbasislegierung. Berg- und Hüttenm. Monatshefte 124 (1979) pp. 184-193.


 W. Hoffelner, E. Kny, R. Stickler, M.J. McCall: Effects of aging treatments on the microstructure of the Ni-Base superalloy IN 738, Z. Werkstofftech. 10 (1979) pp. 84-92


 W. Hoffelner, W. Mitter: Gefügeänderungen der Nickelbasislegierung Udimet 700 als Folge von Wärmebehandlungs- und Verformungsvorgängen. Metall 32 (1978) pp. 996-1000


 W. Hoffelner, B. Weiss: Cyclic hardening of Aluminium at various test frequencies. Scripta Met. 12 (1978) pp. 1047-1050


 W. Hoffelner, E. Kny, R. Stickler: Untersuchung des Mikrogefüges Hf-haltiger Ni-Basis Superlegierungen, Microchimica Acta, Suppl. 7, Springer Verlag 1977, pp. 545-554


 W. Mitter, H. Straube, W. Hoffelner, R. Stickler: Untersuchungen zum Entfestigungs-mechanismus bei Warmverformung von Nickelbasislegierungen. Berg- und Hüttenm. Monatshefte 122 (1977) pp. 545-554


 W. Hoffelner: Zur hochfrequenten Wechselverfestigung von kubisch-flächenzentrierten Metallen, Dissertation, Universität Wien 1977.


 W. Hoffelner, R. Stickler: Preliminary results of SEM-ECP investigations of IN 597 specimens from COST-50 project NPL 7, 76-UW-COST-B 4, Universität Wien, 1976


 W. Hoffelner, E. Kny, R. Stickler: Microcharacterization of two samples of directionally solidified superalloys for the 15th Meeting of the ASTM task group E 04.91, 75-UW-ASTM-B 1, Universität Wien, 1976


 W. Hoffelner, R. Stickler: Phase reactions during elevated temperature fatigue of IN 788, 76-UW-COST-B3, Universität Wien, 1976


 W. Hoffelner: TEM-Untersuchungen von N-90, U-520 und U-700 Proben von VEW, 76-UW-COST-B 5, Universit„t Wien, 1976


 W. Hoffelner, K. Kromp, B. Weiss, B. Wielke: The effect of test frequency on the fatigue hardening behariour of Al. Scripta Met. 9 (1975) pp. 1157-1161.


 W. Hoffelner: Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen von Ni-Basis Superlegierungen, 75-UW-COST-M1, Universit„t Wien, 1975


 H. Burghardt, W. Hoffelner, R. Stickler: Microcharacterization of IN 718 sample for the 14th Meeting of the ASTM-E4 task group 91, 75-UW-ASTM-B1, Universität Wien, 1975


 W. Hoffelner, H. Burghardt, S. Neckel, R. Stickler: Gefüge und Phasenanalyse einer Hf-haltigen Ni-Basis Superlegierung (IN 792 + Hf). "Fortschritte in der Metallographie" Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie, Dr. Riederer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1975 pp. 300-312


 W. Hoffelner, R. Stickler: Anwendung der REM-SACP Methode zur Bestimmung der verformten Zonen in  Ni-Basis Superlegierungen, s. vorher pp. 376-386


 W. Hoffelner, R. Stickler: Ausarbeitung von Standardverfahren zur Mikrocharakterisierung von IN 738, 74-UW-Cost-B5, Universität Wien, 1974


 W. Hoffelner, H. Burghardt, R. Stickler: Mikrocharakterisierung der Ni-Basis Superlegierungsprobe ATS 385 DG, 74-UW-COST-B 4, Universität Wien, 1974