Technology Since many years we have been working on technologies connected with sustainable energy and waste treatment. Besides experience in engineering of plants we are internationally well recognized for our know-how in the field of materials. High temperatures together with static loading (tensile, creep) or dynamic loading (fatigue) can lead to irreversible materials damage and finally to fracture. In many cases not only bulk damage is important but also crack growth must be considered. | Management Based on our broad experience with technologies and our collabortation with universities we treat projects in a transdisciplinary context. We use modelling tools like systemdynamic modelling or agent based modeling. We implement or technological knowlede into design codes like the ASME code. In this context we participate regularly in ASME group meetings where we present data which can be used in the code for existing or new materials.
| Knowledge Transfer Our experience with research and development and education goes back over man,y years. We have been working with Technical Universities like theSwiss Federal Institute of Thechnology Zürich (ETHZ) and the University of Basel. We could use our knowledge from different technologies to provide lectures and for guiding aster theses as well as doctoral theses. Joint projects with students with different knowledge backgrounds were particularly interesting. - D ocuments - All Documen |